A brief tutorial on how to import activities from other courses

Written by Natasha Kasunic

Updated over a week ago


Importing activities from courses you are already a collaborator on is how you can easily start up a new course from prior material! Importing activities is great when you are starting a new term and running the same course as a previous term.

1. Choose a Course

First go to the top of the Activities page and click on More Actions and then Import Content.



Then select a course. Remember: you must be an instructor or collaborator on that course to import and copy over the activity!


2. Choose The Activities

Once you have the selected the course you are hoping to import from all the activities within that course will show up with the option to select each one.

Then you simply select the activities you wish to import...

... and click "Import Activities" at the bottom of the page!

If the activities have all been imported into your current course correctly, you will get this success message.

Then the activities will show up in a list view in the activities list as unscheduled. Just hover over the "Not Scheduled" section to click "Schedule" and plan your activity whenever you'd like as normal.