Everything you need to ask and respond to questions, create posts, and start discussions

Written by Carine Marette

Updated over a week ago


You or your TA's can use the discussion feature to create posts, ask questions or polls, and generate a discussion or dialogue. Think of it like an internal social media platform, built within Kritik specifically for you and your students. You can also simply allow students to discuss their thoughts/feelings during such uncertain times.

Enter your course and click the discussions button on the left-hand side menu. You can either make a post, start a discussion, or ask a question. You can choose to filter activities in the discussion platform by "Type," "Recent Activity" or "Recent Post".


1. Creating a Post

When creating a post, you can write in the text box, or you can upload photos, videos, or files. You can also tag your post within a certain topic (such as "Kritik Activities" or "Questions/Concerns").

You can tag your post with topics by clicking "Add Topics", where a search bar will pop up. You can begin to type to find an existing tag, or you may create a new one.

2. Asking a Question

To ask a question to your students you can either use a poll, or have it be open-ended. You have the option to ask anonymously by checking off the "Ask Anonymously" box.

If you choose to create a poll, you may add answer options by clicking "+ Add option". You can also tag your question with topics in the same way as explained above.

You can request an answer from a specific student for a question, for example a student might request that you answer a difficult questions that many students are struggling with. You may also choose to re-ask the question and everyone that follows you will get a notification.