Getting started with Kritik: sign up, create and edit your account
Written by Carine Marette
Updated over a week ago
Instructors have the option to set a grace period for students during the create stage of an activity. During the grace period, students can submit a late creation directly in Kritik and be assigned evaluators to participate in the next stages of a Kritik activity. During the grace period, evaluations are not yet assigned and will only be assigned after the grace period concludes. After the due date, anything submitted during the grace period is labelled as “late” for both the student who submitted late and in the instructor's view. As mentioned, evaluations are then assigned after the grace period is over. Evaluators can’t differentiate which peer evaluation is a late submission, so any late penalty will have to be applied by the instructor directly.
If you haven't submitted by the original create stage due date, you will get notified that your creation is overdue and have a window of time to submit your late creation. If you have submitted already, you do not get a notification, but you can resubmit if you wish to.
When a student submits late they will see this note above their submission:
The instructor will be able to see how much later than the due date the student submitted their creation.
If you happen to be trying to submit a creation and the grace period or due date passes while you are on the page, we will still accept that creation. The creation will be marked as missed but the instructor will still have access to it.
The Creation stage should look like this if your instructor has allowed late submissions after the due date and grace period.
This ensures that you don't lose any work you happen to be doing at the time, and it gives the instructor the flexibility to grade your work if they would like.
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